Ciao! I am Matilde, and I live happily with my head in the clouds.
Luckily, this attitude didn’t prevent me to be disciplined in my job: trained as an architect, I am quite used to conceive space as a “scenography” for human life.
Imagining people’s stories in space is the most fun thing: that is why, since some time now, I decided to represent these “life stories” in watercolor illustrations.
I adopted and interpreted the vision of the Situationist International Manifesto(1957) according to which:
“The most general goal must be to expand the non-mediocre part of life, to reduce the empty moments of life as much as possible.”
Therefore, my drawings are an attempt to celebrate the "full of life" moments: a picnic with friends, a hiking trip, an afternoon spent looking at the clouds...some stories may not even be real. In fact, my inspiration comes from personal experiences, but also from allusions, dreams, books, intuitions.
The color Blue brings you in a dreamy and introspective dimension. Forces you to give a look inside. And it is precisely from a constant process of acknowledging, embracing and transforming my feelings that my paintings come from.